  • 4ft fence wrap on the end-zones, totaling 551ft
  • end-zone fence wrap featuring 10 sports and what i named as the "no face" design
  • 8ft fence wrap that covers the fields port-o-potties

  • art directed photoshoot that included 10 sports and only 2 models

  • mockup designs for the home team room
  • home team room for the field
  • home team room for the field
  • visitor team room for the field

portfolio-shakopee vendor tents
  • shakopee saber tents for vendors before the games
  • client Name : Shakopee High-Vaughan Field
  • completed on : August 2016
  • category : Enviornmental Graphics

project details

In the spring on 2015 the Shakopee school district residence voted to expand the current high school and improve the indoor and outdoor facilities. Capture Marketing was hired to lead the visual changes to the brand new Vaughan Field. The Capture Marketing Company proposed a smoky dark direction with sparks and red accents. From there as a designer on the team, I was able to develop a variety of large graphical elements that would enhance the facility.

Expanding off the original concept we presented, I incorporated an individual athlete that would be utilized throughout the field emphasizing the sport by the uniform and gear. From this concept I was able to art direct the photo-shoot to achieve the desired concept.

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