  • promotional banner displayed at music festival in Arizona 2016
  • a sample of flip menu designs for tables at the resturant
  • shirt designs
  • a sample of social media designs made twitter, instagram and facebook
  • a sample flyers designed for the resturant for events and promotions
  • static webpage developed as a placeholder as a new webpage was being developed
  • client Name : The Lodge, Sasquatch Kitchen
  • completed on : November 2016
  • category : Print Web

project details

The Lodge, a restaurant in Arizona, came to Capture Marketing with the need of further branding their company. As a restaurant that brings a cozy Midwestern feel to warm and sunny Arizona, their Sasquatch mascot was focused on. As an illustrator I was able to develop a variety of campaigns utilizing the cartoon sasquatch within the restaurant themed promotions and events. These playful designs were carried through in the form of posters, flyers, social media posts, a website redesign, menus, and apparel.

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